2021 Local Major Tournaments


Westbrook CC - Sat. May 15 - (2x)

NCR South - Mon. July 5 (2x)

Mt Vernon Country Club - Sun. Jul 25 - (2x)

Tour Championship - Sun/Mon Aug 22-23 - (4x)




2021 Capital City Amateur Golf Tour
Point System
Place Local Non-Major Local Major Tournament
# 1x 2x 4x
1 450 900 1800
2 275 550 1100
3 225 450 900
4 175 350 700
5 165 330 660
6 155 310 620
7 145 290 580
8 135 270 540
9 125 250 500
10 115 230 460
11 100 200 400
12 90 180 360
13 85 170 340
14 80 160 320
15 75 150 300
16 70 140 280
17 65 130 260
18 60 120 240
19 55 110 220
20 50 100 200




Points earned from all events beginning April 17th at Apple Valley Golf Club and ending on Aug 23rd at Westfield Country Club are applied to the season long points race to be crowned 2021 Champion Golfer of they Year in their respective flights.


The player with the most points in each flight will be given a trophy and awarded from the end of year prize fund and crowned flight Champion Golfer of the Year