Crier's Tournament (Sun, August 5)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the event portal.

Al Shirley (12.8)
Benny Graff (11.9)
Bob Gustafson (4.8)
Brant Malsam (10.9)
Bruce Ellingson (14.7)
Chuck Merck (6.9)
Curt Erie (15.6)
Dan Duhamel (16.4)
Dan Ystebo (1.0)
Darrell Burkland (9.3)
David Buchanan (8.7)
Dennis Kunz (13.1)
Dennis Simenson (13.3)
Don Yellowbird (11.3)
Doug Bradford (9.6)
Doug Taylor (2.3)
Doyle Radke (2.6)
Ed Dressler (4.4)
Erv Barta (19.4)
Evan Lips (8.8)
Floyd Burckhard (7.6)
Gene Murphy (21.2)
George Harrington (11.5)
Gerald Borho (9.0)
Graydon Ash (6.3)
Greg Hyttinen (15.5)
Guy Otteson (3.9)
Harley Routledge (7.8)
Jack Huseby (3.4)
Jay Myhre (+0.2)
Jeff Dietz (1.9)
Jim Gaarder (8.0)
John Goff (5.3)
Keith Duchscher (2.7)
Kevin Coughlin (8.4)
Larry Myers (12.2)
Malcolm Rodacker (8.3)
Mark Ohlhauser (2.2)
Mark Setterlund (4.8)
Mel Hauck (6.3)
Michael Hess (7.8)
Michael Pickett (7.7)
Michael Towle (8.1)
Myron Irwin (15.2)
Perry Bohl (3.9)
Randy Westby (0.7)
Ray Schlosser (8.9)
Ray Volk (11.7)
Richard Heydt (13.9)
Richard Tentis (1.5)
Rick Miller (13.9)
Rob Stiles (8.9)
Robert Graupe (16.5)
Roger Riveland (22.4)
Scott Ahmann (8.4)
Steven Hermanson (12.5)
Terry Burud (9.6)
Tim Herrmann (4.2)
Todd Baumgartner (2.6)
Troy Reno (16.0)