2021 BankPlus Oxford Invitational Tee Sheet

Sun, April 18

The Country Club Of Oxford
Time Players
The Country Club Of Oxford
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Aldridge, Mickey
8:30 AM IV Byrne, Bill + Elliott, Jim + Odom, Frank
Alfonso, Mario
9:00 AM IV Follett, George + Hood, Bill + Zeleskey, Lou
Baker, Drew
1:20 PM I Grisanti, King + Victor, Niel
Baker, Wilson
12:20 PM II Jewell, Barry + Oxley, David + Smith, Kittrell
Barber, Mike
9:50 AM III Mandrell, Chuck + Womack, Scott
Barber, Zac
11:20 AM II Hughes, Hayden + Sipes, Lance
Beavers, Jim
10:40 AM III Poe, Perry + Rowan, Mark
Blanchard, EJ
11:00 AM III Calhoun , David + Crawford, Vaughn + Smith, Benton
Blaylock, Keith
8:40 AM IV Entrekin, Paul + Gholson, Harris + Proctor, John
Boswell, Rodney
1:00 PM II Nelson, Johnathan + Tidwell, Chad + Zarraonandia, Mike
Bounds, Kevin
10:00 AM III Mulloy, Clark + Stubblefield, Parnell
Brister, Fred
8:20 AM V Morgan, Tommy + Thompson, Mike
Britt, Larry
8:50 AM IV Goad, Tim + Pannell, Robert + Winkel, Steve
Budny, Tom
9:40 AM III Denman, Derek + Pate, Jeff
Byrne, Bill
8:30 AM IV Aldridge, Mickey + Elliott, Jim + Odom, Frank
Calhoun , David
11:00 AM III Blanchard, EJ + Crawford, Vaughn + Smith, Benton
Callahan, Nick
11:10 AM II Charpentier, Patrick + Roberts, Sam
Carr, Hayes
1:10 PM I Ingalls, Aaron + Rush, Ben
Catoe, Bobo
8:10 AM V Hooker, Danny + Ousley, Dick
Charpentier, Patrick
11:10 AM II Callahan, Nick + Roberts, Sam
Colley, Justin
12:30 PM II Crowley, Will + Fisher, Ben + Gowen, Greg
Cooper, Matt
1:30 PM I Meeks, Kye + Miller, Drew
Corley, Mark
10:30 AM III Kent, Mike + Wilson , Jerry
Crawford, Vaughn
11:00 AM III Blanchard, EJ + Calhoun , David + Smith, Benton
Crowley, Will
12:30 PM II Colley, Justin + Fisher, Ben + Gowen, Greg
Cyree, Ken
10:20 AM III Roop, Tim + Thomas, Brent
Denman, Derek
9:40 AM III Budny, Tom + Pate, Jeff
Downing, Matthew
12:50 PM II Johnson, Allen + Johnson, Fletcher + Swaney, Walker
Elliott, Jim
8:30 AM IV Aldridge, Mickey + Byrne, Bill + Odom, Frank
Entrekin, Paul
8:40 AM IV Blaylock, Keith + Gholson, Harris + Proctor, John
Fairchild, Richard
9:30 AM IV McCord, Fred + Sanford, Robert + Sims, Ricky
Farese, John
12:00 PM II Oxley, Drew + Veazey, Rod
Fisher, Ben
12:30 PM II Colley, Justin + Crowley, Will + Gowen, Greg
Follett, George
9:00 AM IV Alfonso, Mario + Hood, Bill + Zeleskey, Lou
Gholson, Harris
8:40 AM IV Blaylock, Keith + Entrekin, Paul + Proctor, John
Giramonti, JR
11:30 AM II Halford, Hunt + Young, Brian
Goad, Tim
8:50 AM IV Britt, Larry + Pannell, Robert + Winkel, Steve
Gowen, Greg
12:30 PM II Colley, Justin + Crowley, Will + Fisher, Ben
Grisanti, King
1:20 PM I Baker, Drew + Victor, Niel
Gulley, Jim
9:10 AM IV Turner, Michael + Walker, William
Halford, Hunt
11:30 AM II Giramonti, JR + Young, Brian
Harris, Leon
8:00 AM V Henry, Chan + Justice, Mike + Mathis, Richard
Hatfield, Mark
9:20 AM IV Sandifer, Brother + Willis, Robert
Henry, Chan
8:00 AM V Harris, Leon + Justice, Mike + Mathis, Richard
Hood, Bill
9:00 AM IV Alfonso, Mario + Follett, George + Zeleskey, Lou
Hooker, Danny
8:10 AM V Catoe, Bobo + Ousley, Dick
Hughes, Hayden
11:20 AM II Barber, Zac + Sipes, Lance
Ingalls, Aaron
1:10 PM I Carr, Hayes + Rush, Ben
Jewell, Barry
12:20 PM II Baker, Wilson + Oxley, David + Smith, Kittrell
Johnson, Allen
12:50 PM II Downing, Matthew + Johnson, Fletcher + Swaney, Walker
Johnson, Fletcher
12:50 PM II Downing, Matthew + Johnson, Allen + Swaney, Walker
Justice, Mike
8:00 AM V Harris, Leon + Henry, Chan + Mathis, Richard
Kamman, Trey
10:50 AM III Nichols, Trevor + Riley, Rickey
Kent, Mike
10:30 AM III Corley, Mark + Wilson , Jerry
King Jr, W Dennis
10:10 AM III Roberts, Kevin + Thomas, Barry
King, Hayden
11:40 AM II Liberto, Paul + Mansell, Creede
Liberto, Paul
11:40 AM II King, Hayden + Mansell, Creede
Lovely, Braden
12:10 PM II Monts, Curtis + Smith, Nick
Mahon, Layton
11:50 AM II Posey, Chris + Toth, Dillon
Mandrell, Chuck
9:50 AM III Barber, Mike + Womack, Scott
Mansell, Creede
11:40 AM II King, Hayden + Liberto, Paul
Mathis, Richard
8:00 AM V Harris, Leon + Henry, Chan + Justice, Mike
McCord, Fred
9:30 AM IV Fairchild, Richard + Sanford, Robert + Sims, Ricky
Meeks, Kye
1:30 PM I Cooper, Matt + Miller, Drew
Miller, Drew
1:30 PM I Cooper, Matt + Meeks, Kye
Mitchell, Matt
12:40 PM II Naaman, Michael + Reeves, Joel
Monts, Curtis
12:10 PM II Lovely, Braden + Smith, Nick
Morgan, Tommy
8:20 AM V Brister, Fred + Thompson, Mike
Mulloy, Clark
10:00 AM III Bounds, Kevin + Stubblefield, Parnell
Naaman, Michael
12:40 PM II Mitchell, Matt + Reeves, Joel
Nelson, Johnathan
1:00 PM II Boswell, Rodney + Tidwell, Chad + Zarraonandia, Mike
Nichols, Trevor
10:50 AM III Kamman, Trey + Riley, Rickey
Odom, Frank
8:30 AM IV Aldridge, Mickey + Byrne, Bill + Elliott, Jim
Ousley, Dick
8:10 AM V Catoe, Bobo + Hooker, Danny
Oxley, David
12:20 PM II Baker, Wilson + Jewell, Barry + Smith, Kittrell
Oxley, Drew
12:00 PM II Farese, John + Veazey, Rod
Pannell, Robert
8:50 AM IV Britt, Larry + Goad, Tim + Winkel, Steve
Pate, Jeff
9:40 AM III Budny, Tom + Denman, Derek
Poe, Perry
10:40 AM III Beavers, Jim + Rowan, Mark
Posey, Chris
11:50 AM II Mahon, Layton + Toth, Dillon
Proctor, John
8:40 AM IV Blaylock, Keith + Entrekin, Paul + Gholson, Harris
Reeves, Joel
12:40 PM II Mitchell, Matt + Naaman, Michael
Riley, Rickey
10:50 AM III Kamman, Trey + Nichols, Trevor
Roberts, Kevin
10:10 AM III King Jr, W Dennis + Thomas, Barry
Roberts, Sam
11:10 AM II Callahan, Nick + Charpentier, Patrick
Roop, Tim
10:20 AM III Cyree, Ken + Thomas, Brent
Rowan, Mark
10:40 AM III Beavers, Jim + Poe, Perry
Rush, Ben
1:10 PM I Carr, Hayes + Ingalls, Aaron
Sandifer, Brother
9:20 AM IV Hatfield, Mark + Willis, Robert
Sanford, Robert
9:30 AM IV Fairchild, Richard + McCord, Fred + Sims, Ricky
Sims, Ricky
9:30 AM IV Fairchild, Richard + McCord, Fred + Sanford, Robert
Sipes, Lance
11:20 AM II Barber, Zac + Hughes, Hayden
Smith, Benton
11:00 AM III Blanchard, EJ + Calhoun , David + Crawford, Vaughn
Smith, Kittrell
12:20 PM II Baker, Wilson + Jewell, Barry + Oxley, David
Smith, Nick
12:10 PM II Lovely, Braden + Monts, Curtis
Stubblefield, Parnell
10:00 AM III Bounds, Kevin + Mulloy, Clark
Swaney, Walker
12:50 PM II Downing, Matthew + Johnson, Allen + Johnson, Fletcher
Thomas, Barry
10:10 AM III King Jr, W Dennis + Roberts, Kevin
Thomas, Brent
10:20 AM III Cyree, Ken + Roop, Tim
Thompson, Mike
8:20 AM V Brister, Fred + Morgan, Tommy
Tidwell, Chad
1:00 PM II Boswell, Rodney + Nelson, Johnathan + Zarraonandia, Mike
Toth, Dillon
11:50 AM II Mahon, Layton + Posey, Chris
Turner, Michael
9:10 AM IV Gulley, Jim + Walker, William
Veazey, Rod
12:00 PM II Farese, John + Oxley, Drew
Victor, Niel
1:20 PM I Baker, Drew + Grisanti, King
Walker, William
9:10 AM IV Gulley, Jim + Turner, Michael
Willis, Robert
9:20 AM IV Hatfield, Mark + Sandifer, Brother
Wilson , Jerry
10:30 AM III Corley, Mark + Kent, Mike
Winkel, Steve
8:50 AM IV Britt, Larry + Goad, Tim + Pannell, Robert
Womack, Scott
9:50 AM III Barber, Mike + Mandrell, Chuck
Young, Brian
11:30 AM II Giramonti, JR + Halford, Hunt
Zarraonandia, Mike
1:00 PM II Boswell, Rodney + Nelson, Johnathan + Tidwell, Chad
Zeleskey, Lou
9:00 AM IV Alfonso, Mario + Follett, George + Hood, Bill