Welcome to the 2021 FCC Member-Member






June 4th, 5th and 6th, 2021 




  • Two Person Teams Best Ball
  • Matches will go all 9 holes.  Teams will receive 1 point for each hole won and a match victory.  Teams will receive 1/2 point for each halved hole and halved match.  


Friday, June 4th - 9 Hole matches starting at 5:30 PM

Saturday, June 5th - Two 9 hole matches starting at 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM

Sunday, June 6th - Two 9 hole matches starting at 8:00 AM and 1:00 PM

Sunday, June 6th - Shoot Out following the conclusion of all matches.  Winners of each flight will all play againts each other in shootout.  



Entry Fee                                           

Individual registration $150 per player.  Please register through the Fayetteville CC website and the Golf Shop will bill your account. 




Based on the number of teams in the tournament. 

Golf Shop merchandise credit. 




Based on the number of players in the tournament.  Flights will be broken down based on handicap indexes (70% of low and 30% of high).             


*6 Teams per flight                               



Handicaps (Net Flights)               

No handicaps will be used during play. 




Food is included in the entry fee. 

Friday, June 4th - Dinner after matches

Saturday, June 5th - Lunch and Dinner

Sunday, June 6th - Lunch



Practice Rounds                               

Please call the Golf Shop to reserve a tee time. 



Withdrawal Policy                            

FCC accepts withdrawals up until two days before the event.  If you withdraw after the two-day deadline, there will be no refunds for any reason.