Ladies League 2021, Team Standings

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Number Rank Teams Total Points Total Purse Team Members
1 1 Pin Seekers 28.00 $ 119.00 Aylwin, Lori | Clubine, Ruth Anne | Faber, Julie | Goodfellow, Catherine...
2 2 Women Playing A Round 27.00 $ 66.00 Brown, Wendy | Dean, Jan | Gordon, Angie | Hay, Kerri | Hopper, Angela |...
3 T3 Diamonds in the Rough 24.50 $ 48.00 Ball, Philippa | Brunet, Aline | Duvall, Tracy | Ellerby, Janice | Linds...
4 T3 The Swingers 24.50 $ 331.00 Adams, Melanie | Bridges, Janet | Caldwell, Sarah | Dykeman, Ann Marie |...
5 5 The Lady Birds 18.00 $ 231.00 Fendley, Shawn | Foley, Nianne | Grimshaw, Nan | Hayes, Wendy | Miller, ...
6 6 Par-Tee Girls 16.00 $ 33.00 Atcheson, Laura | Bryant, Lynn | Dwyer, Della | Elliott, Anne | Finnie, ...
7 7 Better by Par 11.00 $ 58.00 Armstrong, Nancy | Clement, Brandi | Cowan, Sarah | McNair, Erin | Meras...
Totals: 149.00 $ 886.00