The Washington Baltimore Intercity Team Match (Intercity) is an annual competition between the Women’s District of Columbia Golf Association (WDCGA) and the Women’s Golf Association of Baltimore (WGA), dating back to at least 1953.  It consists of 6 four-ball matches of 12 of the best players from each side. The matches are highly competitive and each match is played for 3 points (front nine, back nine and total 18 holes) resulting in a total of 18 points.  In the even years, the WDCGA hosts the match and in the odd years, the WGA hosts the match.


Team captains are selected by the WDCGA Executive Committee.  A member of the Executive Committee will always serve as one of the captains so that supervision, familiarity and historical knowledge of the match are maintained.


Criteria for team selection:

  • Handicap
  • Participation and performance in WDCGA events, i.e., team matches, class cups and championship
  • Participation and performance in State and USGA events
  • Volunteerism for the WDCGA
  • Reliability of player (no-shows and withdrawals are considered)

The co-captains retain some discretion in the selection process.  Their goal is to select the twelve most competitive, engaged and team-oriented players.   An attempt is made to have a good representation of all the clubs in the WDCGA.

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