As many of you will remember, this tournament originated in 1948 at Elmwood Country Club in Marshalltown and became one on the most prestigious amateur tournaments in the Midwest under the direction of longtime PGA Professional Joe August. Current and former PGA tour players Jack Rule, Jim Colbert, Jim Jamieson, and Doug Dunakey were part of teams as amateurs that won this championship. Labron Harris Jr., Steve Spray, and Lonnie Nielson also participated at various times as amateurs. Other notable players included two three-time team champions, Sarge and Luti Fontanini, and Bud McCardell and Ralph Compiano. Compiano also won the event with two other partners making him the only five-time winner.


For more than 30 years the “Elmwood Best-Ball” was very special for those who played in Iowa amateur tournaments primarily because of the efforts of Joe August. Amateur golfers from all over the Midwest have fond memories of Joe emerging from the golf shop, greeting everyone with a smile, recalling every player’s name, feeling each team’s sorrow after a lost match, and celebrating with all the winners. For more than a half century, Joe has been a true friend to Iowa amateur golf, and the Elmwood Best-Ball was his crown jewel.


Because of the popularity of this tournament for so many years, we decided to restart this event in 1993 at Ames Golf & Country Club. Each year the tournament has grown to where 90-100 teams from several states now attempt to qualify. The event remains a proud tradition on our tournament calendar, and we would love for you to join us each and every year. Please visit the link above to view tournament details and entry information.