2017 OPGA Player of the Year Cup Tee Sheet

Round 1 - Mon, November 20

Tualatin Country Club - Archived on 02-07-2023 / Blue
Time Players
Tualatin Country Club - Archived on 02-07-2023
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Brown, David
10:30 AM Blue Erdmann, Scott | Gibbons, Rob | Reese, Alan
Comella, Ray
10:10 AM Blue Hinton, Tom | Stewart, Bruce
Coombs, Kevin
10:00 AM Blue Peccia, Joseph | Westling, Ted
Cravens, Scott
10:20 AM Blue Lewis, BJ | Rath, Scott | Wong, Tyler
Erdmann, Scott
10:30 AM Blue Brown, David | Gibbons, Rob | Reese, Alan
Gibbons, Rob
10:30 AM Blue Brown, David | Erdmann, Scott | Reese, Alan
Hinton, Tom
10:10 AM Blue Comella, Ray | Stewart, Bruce
Lewis, BJ
10:20 AM Blue Cravens, Scott | Rath, Scott | Wong, Tyler
Peccia, Joseph
10:00 AM Blue Coombs, Kevin | Westling, Ted
Rath, Scott
10:20 AM Blue Cravens, Scott | Lewis, BJ | Wong, Tyler
Reese, Alan
10:30 AM Blue Brown, David | Erdmann, Scott | Gibbons, Rob
Stewart, Bruce
10:10 AM Blue Comella, Ray | Hinton, Tom
Westling, Ted
10:00 AM Blue Coombs, Kevin | Peccia, Joseph
Wong, Tyler
10:20 AM Blue Cravens, Scott | Lewis, BJ | Rath, Scott