Standing Rules

The Views Women’s Golf Club (TVWGC)



  1. Our League season runs from November 1 thru October 31.  Membership fees are due on, or before November    The "winter" season ends and awards are given in April, after which summer play begins.
    1. Summer play starts May 1st and runs thru Oct 31st.  The first Tuesday of each month during summer play will be a competition play day.  Birdies and ringers will not be counted during summer play.


  1. All league competition will be conducted according to USGA Rules.


  1. Our dues are as follows:
    1. Dues are due by 11/1. The cost will be $35, plus any credit card processing fees.  
    2. Optional add ons are:
      1. Hole in one ($5)
      2. Chip in’s for year $20-$25 depending on the number of eligible games. 
      3. Add ons are a set fee and will not be prorated if members wish to sign up after league play has started.  For New members the chip in’s will be prorated.

    c.   A late fee for the dues will be added on after 11/1.

    d.   AGA Dues are paid directly to the AGA at  A direct link is available thru Golf Genius

    e.   If you are a member of both the 9 hole League and the 18 Hole League at  the Views, you will

           pay one AGA fee.


  1. A new member is someone who has never been a member or is not a current member (not a paid member for 2 years or more).  If you are a new member and need to establish a handicap, after paying your fees, you must submit 5 valid (18 hole) scorecards.  A guest may play 2 times with the League before deciding to join. 


  1. Members may join and pay membership fees for both 18 and 9 hole leagues. Full league membership fees must be paid to each league. 


  1. Social Membership dues shall be $5.00. 


  1. To be eligible to be Club Champion and /or State Medallion winner, a member must play 5 rounds with the club on League days, must play 2 of the 4 tournament rounds for State Medallion, and must count all strokes.  State Medallion winners will be reimbursed for tournament and travel expenses.
    1. To be eligible for the Presidents Cup, members must be active with TVWGC and play in a minimum of 3 winter league play dates prior to the start of the President Cup matches.


  1. All members are encouraged to participate in the monthly meeting money raffles. Raffle tickets are $1.00 per ticket or six (6) tickets for $5.00.  50% of the money raised from each raffle goes to supporting monthly meeting luncheons. The other 50% of raffle money generated will be divided as follows:


                $1 to $49 – 2 winners

                $40 to 99 – 4 to 6 winners

                $100 plus – 6 to 8 winners 


  1. “Hole-in-One Club”:
    1. Must be a current TVWGC member who has paid the hole-in-one fee.
    2. Membership fee will be $5.00 annually (Nov. 1 – Oct. 31).   If a hole-in-one has not been made for the current year, the Hole-in-One pot will rollover into the next year. 
    3. Hole-in-One must be made on The Views Golf Course during a stipulated round of golf of at least (18) holes.  Hole-in-One is eligible on any day of the week. Hole-in-One player must have at least one player present to attest and sign scorecard. Make two copies of your scorecard.  Turn the original in to the pro shop and one copy should be given to HIO Chair/Treasurer and the second copy to the AGA Rep.  HIO player may request the original scorecard be returned after verified.
    4. Hole-in-One award will be divided equally among the winners and presented at the November General Meeting.


  1.   Low Net Awards:Only paid members of TVWGC are eligible for monthly low net awards.  
  1. Low net awards are tracked and determined by the Handicap Chair and or Golf Genius.
  2. Low net awards are recognized by the Tournament Chair at General Meetings from November through April.
  3. To win a Low Net Award, no holes may be “X” out.


  1.   Posting Policy: Your league play scores will be posted for you (November- April). All other scores should be   
  2.   posted by you at home using the AGA web site on your computer, or the GHIN app that is available for  
  3.   portable devices.
    1. For dual memberships at more than one course, your home course should be where you play the majority of your rounds.
    2. The World Handicap System (WHS) was launched Jan 1st 2020. It is important to post scores on the same day of play, as your handicap index is updated daily.  We recommend posting hole by hole.


  1.   Scoring Policy: When multiple tees are used in competition handicaps will be adjusted accordingly on
  2.   the official  scorecard. Players are required to score all league competition play using a hardcopy and
  3.   electronic scoring (Golf Genius).  At the end of the round Players should compare paper score cards hole-by-      hole scores to the electronic score board for each player.  Golf Genius will be the official scoring method.
  4. Paper scorecards will not be handed out. Each group is encouraged to keep a second paper scorecard for comparison at end of round.  One member of the group should be assigned to score in Golf Genius and electronically sign at the end of the round.  If electronic sign off is not available the GG scorer is responsible to notify the Pro Shop staff at the end of the round that the scores in GG are verified as complete.
  1. Input only gross hole-by-hole scores. Golf Genius will compute game scores. Holes not included in the play day game may be "X'd" out.
  2. Each player is responsible for the correctness of the score recorded for each hole and for use of the correct handicap.
  3. All members should have the Golf Genius app and be familiar with how to use the on course scoring feature.  Only one (1) player within each group needs to record electronic scores for the group. 


  1.   Chip-In Pot:  Chip-in Pot is an optional add on and paid at the time of your  membership renewal or new member signup.  The total amount that is collected will be divided equally by the pre determined number of eligible games for the year.  It is the responsibility to email the Chip-in Pot Chairman if you had a chip in (must be done same day of the completion of the round).  Players will be recognized each month at the general meetings and the cash rewards paid out at that time.

If Player A chips-in twice, her portion of the pot increases.  Ex: Player A  chips-in two times, Player B chips-in once, Player A receives 2/3 of the pot.   If no one has a chip-in, the money carries over weekly until someone chips-in.


  1.   League play entry fee: An entry fee of $5.00 is collected by the pro shop each week for each player who is playing on our League day.  Entry fees are required from all participating league members and will be collected by the pro shop and applied to the winnings for that day. Guests are not eligible to collect winnings and therefore, are not required to pay the $5.00 entry fee.  Weekly winnings are in the form of pro shop credit.


  1.   Other income, i.e. gifts, donations, ball drop money, allocations will be determined by the current BOD of TVWGC under our Bylaw Guidelines.


  1.  All Standing Rules will be proposed by the Board and approved by the majority of those members present and voting at a General Meeting.
  2. Officers will prepare a written report and deliver all records, procedure books
    and other property belonging to the club to their successor. Documents will be
    archived for 3 years.












Standing Rules Approved by the Membership

March 2nd, 2021