The Pasture Series 2-Man Alt Shot (Fri, April 29)

The tee sheet has not yet been released to the league portal.

Amann, Mark
Archibald, Chris
Archibald, Thom
Bradford, David
Brockbank, Scott
Brooks, Christopher
Carter, Corey
Carter, Russel
Crouch, Kieth
Davis, Ronny
Edgington, Brent
Feland, Brent
Houston, Stephen
Johnson, Chad
Johnson, Grant
Larsen, Camden
Leiataua, Toa
Loy, Elton
Moore, Tyler
Murphy, Patrick
Pohahau, Equator
Rawle, Chris
Rogers, Jordan
Schneidau, Bill
Valle, Ethan
Valle, Jose
Valle, Joseph
van Buren, Brevin
Wilson, Bryce
Winn, Landon