2018 LGA Senior Four-Ball Championship Tee Sheet

Sun, September 16

The Bluffs on Thompson Creek - Archived on 02-09-2024
Time Players
The Bluffs on Thompson Creek - Archived on 02-09-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
A.J. James LaPlace
11:20 AM LGA Black Donnie Savoie / Jeff Calloway / Page Breaux
Bart Dornier Metairie
12:20 PM LGA Black Bill Land / Eric Lavespere / Ken Buchan
Ben Holcombe Sulphur
8:30 AM LGA Gold Glenn Granger / Henry Cole / Wayne Peddy
Ben Thibeaux Lafayette
11:10 AM LGA Black Douglas Farr / Robert Shelton / Scott Sills
Bill Land Lafayette
12:20 PM LGA Black Bart Dornier / Eric Lavespere / Ken Buchan
Bob McCusker Baton Rouge
12:00 PM LGA Black Mike Hymel / Ronnie Averett / Scott Haynie
Bob Raulerson Monroe
9:00 AM LGA Black Gene Termini / Jedd Johnson / Les Johnson
Bobby Richmond St. Francisville
11:00 AM LGA Black Jay Hass / Reubin Gourley / Robert Hales
Bobby Seaux Lafayette
9:30 AM LGA Black Danny Oliver / Joe Kowalski / Mickey Bordelon
Brad Mosing Lafayette
11:40 AM LGA Black Dennis Smith / Joseph Sasser / Michael Willem
Brian Meaux Baton Rouge
11:30 AM LGA Black John Justus / Randy Moore / Tommy Langlois
Bruce Sanders Jarreau
8:10 AM LGA Gold Craig Simpson / Jay Inzenga / Rich Childers
Carey Satre West Monroe
9:10 AM LGA Black Forrest Fegert / Peter Burgess / Sean Reddick
Cecil Harris Denham Springs
7:50 AM LGA Gold Les ONeal / Ricky Braud / Ronnie Guyon
Chad Soileau Ville Platte
10:10 AM LGA Black Dave Johnson / Dennis Surratt / James McDaniel
Corky Yates Pineville
8:20 AM LGA Gold Frank Brame / Harold Turner / Mickey McDonald
Craig Goodwin Kenner
10:00 AM LGA Black Keith Breazeale / Mark Herron / Michael Schoen
Craig Simpson Slidell
8:10 AM LGA Gold Bruce Sanders / Jay Inzenga / Rich Childers
Danny Oliver Baton Rouge
9:30 AM LGA Black Bobby Seaux / Joe Kowalski / Mickey Bordelon
Dave Johnson New Orleans
10:10 AM LGA Black Chad Soileau / Dennis Surratt / James McDaniel
Dean Napoli Baton Rouge
11:50 AM LGA Black Jeff Russell / Lewis Lauve / Rod Baronet
Dennis Smith Youngsville
11:40 AM LGA Black Brad Mosing / Joseph Sasser / Michael Willem
Dennis Surratt Baton Rouge
10:10 AM LGA Black Chad Soileau / Dave Johnson / James McDaniel
Donnie Savoie LaPlace
11:20 AM LGA Black A.J. James / Jeff Calloway / Page Breaux
Douglas Cristina Mandeville
8:40 AM LGA Black Eddie Meche / Mark Wales / Todd Kidder
Douglas Farr Monroe
11:10 AM LGA Black Ben Thibeaux / Robert Shelton / Scott Sills
Dwight Prudhomme Lafayette
9:40 AM LGA Black Frank Schroeder / Mike Selcer / Steve Thompson
Eddie Meche Lafayette
8:40 AM LGA Black Douglas Cristina / Mark Wales / Todd Kidder
Edward Fielding Covington
7:40 AM LGA Gold John Muse / Keith Dixon / Kyle Dejean
Eric Indest New Iberia
9:50 AM LGA Black Hal Wright / Joey Indest / Terry Hurd
Eric Lavespere Monroe
12:20 PM LGA Black Bart Dornier / Bill Land / Ken Buchan
Forrest Fegert Shreveport
9:10 AM LGA Black Carey Satre / Peter Burgess / Sean Reddick
Frank Brame Alexandria
8:20 AM LGA Gold Corky Yates / Harold Turner / Mickey McDonald
Frank Schroeder Baton Rouge
9:40 AM LGA Black Dwight Prudhomme / Mike Selcer / Steve Thompson
Gayle Sanchez Baton Rouge
10:20 AM LGA Black John Dupont / Mark Leblanc / Tommy Hodson
Gaylord Burrows Monroe
8:00 AM LGA Gold Lew Ward / Mark Tolson / Shep Platt
Gene Termini Denham Springs
9:00 AM LGA Black Bob Raulerson / Jedd Johnson / Les Johnson
Glenn Granger Sulphur
8:30 AM LGA Gold Ben Holcombe / Henry Cole / Wayne Peddy
Hal Wright Shreveport
9:50 AM LGA Black Eric Indest / Joey Indest / Terry Hurd
Harold Turner Shreveport
8:20 AM LGA Gold Corky Yates / Frank Brame / Mickey McDonald
Henry Cole Monroe
8:30 AM LGA Gold Ben Holcombe / Glenn Granger / Wayne Peddy
James McDaniel Madisonville
10:10 AM LGA Black Chad Soileau / Dave Johnson / Dennis Surratt
Jay Hass Zachary
11:00 AM LGA Black Bobby Richmond / Reubin Gourley / Robert Hales
Jay Inzenga Baton Rouge
8:10 AM LGA Gold Bruce Sanders / Craig Simpson / Rich Childers
Jedd Johnson Denham Springs
9:00 AM LGA Black Bob Raulerson / Gene Termini / Les Johnson
Jeff Calloway Baton Rouge
11:20 AM LGA Black A.J. James / Donnie Savoie / Page Breaux
Jeff Russell Baton Rouge
11:50 AM LGA Black Dean Napoli / Lewis Lauve / Rod Baronet
Jim Livingston Gonzales
12:10 PM LGA Black Pat Lambert / Randy Goff / Steven Inzenga
Jimmy O'Sullivan Baton Rouge
8:50 AM LGA Black Paul Hinnenkamp / Shannon Hardy / Ward Lafleur
Jimmy Williams St. Francisville
10:30 AM LGA Black Joel Childress / Kenneth Miller / Wiley Conn
Joe Frisard Metairie
7:30 AM LGA Gold Lou Savoye / Scott Pogue / Walker Johnson
Joe Kowalski Lafayette
9:30 AM LGA Black Bobby Seaux / Danny Oliver / Mickey Bordelon
Joel Childress Covington
10:30 AM LGA Black Jimmy Williams / Kenneth Miller / Wiley Conn
Joey Indest Baton Rouge
9:50 AM LGA Black Eric Indest / Hal Wright / Terry Hurd
John Dupont Thibodaux
10:20 AM LGA Black Gayle Sanchez / Mark Leblanc / Tommy Hodson
John Justus Baton Rouge
11:30 AM LGA Black Brian Meaux / Randy Moore / Tommy Langlois
John Muse Covington
7:40 AM LGA Gold Edward Fielding / Keith Dixon / Kyle Dejean
Joseph Sasser Slidell
11:40 AM LGA Black Brad Mosing / Dennis Smith / Michael Willem
Keith Breazeale Alexandria
10:00 AM LGA Black Craig Goodwin / Mark Herron / Michael Schoen
Keith Dixon Madisonville
7:40 AM LGA Gold Edward Fielding / John Muse / Kyle Dejean
Ken Buchan Monroe
12:20 PM LGA Black Bart Dornier / Bill Land / Eric Lavespere
Kenneth Miller St. Francisville
10:30 AM LGA Black Jimmy Williams / Joel Childress / Wiley Conn
Kenny Kennair New Orleans
9:20 AM LGA Black Kevin Schellhaas / Robert Hale / Stephen Chapman
Kerry Carbo Lafayette
10:40 AM LGA Black Kirk Carbo / Mike Johnson / Timothy Melancon
Kevin Schellhaas Metairie
9:20 AM LGA Black Kenny Kennair / Robert Hale / Stephen Chapman
Kirk Carbo Lafayette
10:40 AM LGA Black Kerry Carbo / Mike Johnson / Timothy Melancon
Kyle Dejean Opelousas
7:40 AM LGA Gold Edward Fielding / John Muse / Keith Dixon
Les Johnson Rayville
9:00 AM LGA Black Bob Raulerson / Gene Termini / Jedd Johnson
Les ONeal Denham Springs
7:50 AM LGA Gold Cecil Harris / Ricky Braud / Ronnie Guyon
Lew Ward Baton Rouge
8:00 AM LGA Gold Gaylord Burrows / Mark Tolson / Shep Platt
Lewis Lauve Alexandria
11:50 AM LGA Black Dean Napoli / Jeff Russell / Rod Baronet
Lindsey Spiller Baton Rouge
10:50 AM LGA Black Randy McGee / Robert Roth / Tee Wheeler
Lou Savoye Metairie
7:30 AM LGA Gold Joe Frisard / Scott Pogue / Walker Johnson
Mark Herron Alexandria
10:00 AM LGA Black Craig Goodwin / Keith Breazeale / Michael Schoen
Mark Leblanc Houma
10:20 AM LGA Black Gayle Sanchez / John Dupont / Tommy Hodson
Mark Tolson Lafayette
8:00 AM LGA Gold Gaylord Burrows / Lew Ward / Shep Platt
Mark Wales New Orleans
8:40 AM LGA Black Douglas Cristina / Eddie Meche / Todd Kidder
Michael Schoen LaPlace
10:00 AM LGA Black Craig Goodwin / Keith Breazeale / Mark Herron
Michael Willem New Orleans
11:40 AM LGA Black Brad Mosing / Dennis Smith / Joseph Sasser
Mickey Bordelon Prairieville
9:30 AM LGA Black Bobby Seaux / Danny Oliver / Joe Kowalski
Mickey McDonald Shreveport
8:20 AM LGA Gold Corky Yates / Frank Brame / Harold Turner
Mike Hymel Hammond
12:00 PM LGA Black Bob McCusker / Ronnie Averett / Scott Haynie
Mike Johnson Baton Rouge
10:40 AM LGA Black Kerry Carbo / Kirk Carbo / Timothy Melancon
Mike Selcer Lafayette
9:40 AM LGA Black Dwight Prudhomme / Frank Schroeder / Steve Thompson
Page Breaux St. Gabriel
11:20 AM LGA Black A.J. James / Donnie Savoie / Jeff Calloway
Pat Lambert Gonzales
12:10 PM LGA Black Jim Livingston / Randy Goff / Steven Inzenga
Paul Hinnenkamp New Orleans
8:50 AM LGA Black Jimmy O'Sullivan / Shannon Hardy / Ward Lafleur
Peter Burgess Shreveport
9:10 AM LGA Black Carey Satre / Forrest Fegert / Sean Reddick
Randy Goff St. Francisville
12:10 PM LGA Black Jim Livingston / Pat Lambert / Steven Inzenga
Randy McGee Baton Rouge
10:50 AM LGA Black Lindsey Spiller / Robert Roth / Tee Wheeler
Randy Moore Livonia
11:30 AM LGA Black Brian Meaux / John Justus / Tommy Langlois
Reubin Gourley Denham Springs
11:00 AM LGA Black Bobby Richmond / Jay Hass / Robert Hales
Rich Childers Madisonville
8:10 AM LGA Gold Bruce Sanders / Craig Simpson / Jay Inzenga
Ricky Braud Zachary
7:50 AM LGA Gold Cecil Harris / Les ONeal / Ronnie Guyon
Robert Hale New Orleans
9:20 AM LGA Black Kenny Kennair / Kevin Schellhaas / Stephen Chapman
Robert Hales Bastrop
11:00 AM LGA Black Bobby Richmond / Jay Hass / Reubin Gourley
Robert Roth Baton Rouge
10:50 AM LGA Black Lindsey Spiller / Randy McGee / Tee Wheeler
Robert Shelton Lafayette
11:10 AM LGA Black Ben Thibeaux / Douglas Farr / Scott Sills
Rod Baronet Lecompte
11:50 AM LGA Black Dean Napoli / Jeff Russell / Lewis Lauve
Ronnie Averett Loranger
12:00 PM LGA Black Bob McCusker / Mike Hymel / Scott Haynie
Ronnie Guyon St. Francisville
7:50 AM LGA Gold Cecil Harris / Les ONeal / Ricky Braud
Scott Haynie Brusly
12:00 PM LGA Black Bob McCusker / Mike Hymel / Ronnie Averett
Scott Pogue Baton Rouge
7:30 AM LGA Gold Joe Frisard / Lou Savoye / Walker Johnson
Scott Sills West Monroe
11:10 AM LGA Black Ben Thibeaux / Douglas Farr / Robert Shelton
Sean Reddick West Monroe
9:10 AM LGA Black Carey Satre / Forrest Fegert / Peter Burgess
Shannon Hardy Lafayette
8:50 AM LGA Black Jimmy O'Sullivan / Paul Hinnenkamp / Ward Lafleur
Shep Platt Baton Rouge
8:00 AM LGA Gold Gaylord Burrows / Lew Ward / Mark Tolson
Stephen Chapman LaPlace
9:20 AM LGA Black Kenny Kennair / Kevin Schellhaas / Robert Hale
Steve Thompson Baton Rouge
9:40 AM LGA Black Dwight Prudhomme / Frank Schroeder / Mike Selcer
Steven Inzenga Baton Rouge
12:10 PM LGA Black Jim Livingston / Pat Lambert / Randy Goff
Tee Wheeler Independence
10:50 AM LGA Black Lindsey Spiller / Randy McGee / Robert Roth
Terry Hurd Shreveport
9:50 AM LGA Black Eric Indest / Hal Wright / Joey Indest
Timothy Melancon Baton Rouge
10:40 AM LGA Black Kerry Carbo / Kirk Carbo / Mike Johnson
Todd Kidder Opelousas
8:40 AM LGA Black Douglas Cristina / Eddie Meche / Mark Wales
Tommy Hodson Baton Rouge
10:20 AM LGA Black Gayle Sanchez / John Dupont / Mark Leblanc
Tommy Langlois Zachary
11:30 AM LGA Black Brian Meaux / John Justus / Randy Moore
Walker Johnson Baton Rouge
7:30 AM LGA Gold Joe Frisard / Lou Savoye / Scott Pogue
Ward Lafleur Lafayette
8:50 AM LGA Black Jimmy O'Sullivan / Paul Hinnenkamp / Shannon Hardy
Wayne Peddy Ruston
8:30 AM LGA Gold Ben Holcombe / Glenn Granger / Henry Cole
Wiley Conn Mandeville
10:30 AM LGA Black Jimmy Williams / Joel Childress / Kenneth Miller