2022 SEASON!



Please Activate your AGA Handicap(Link Below) for 2022 as you will need your GHIN # for Registration.


The Views Men’s 18 Hole Golf Club

Please join us Wednesdays for competition, friendship and fun!”

 – Rocky Gedrose, President


Mission Statement

  1. Encourage and promote organized golf for all members
  2. Provide each member an equal opportunity to participate in organized play
  3. Represent membership golfing interests to the Golf Advisory Committee
  4. Establish the rules of play as outlined in the current USGA Rules of Golf and concurrently publish rules for abnormal conditions if they are consistent with USGA authority
  5. Keep membership informed on all golf related matters before the SCOV board of directors
  6. Maintain a record of and spend club monies only in the interest of the membership
  7. Conduct Wednesday organized golf and provide outside play on an occasional basis such as “Home & Away”
  8. Cooperate in programs to assure that the condition of the golf course meets standards of our membership and that suggested changes and/or improvements are communicated to the Golf Advisory Committee




All league members are required to have an official USGA Handicap to participate in weekly events. If you need to purchase a handicap or renew your handicap: