1. Format

1.1 - The Concord Cup (CC) shall be decided over 54 holes stroke play.

1.2 - In the event of a tie for the Cup, and conditions permitting, a 2-hole playoff will occur on holes 10 & 9 with the lowest aggregate score being determined the winner. If a play-off is still required, it will be sudden death on the 10th & 9th holes until a winner is determined. If a playoff is not possible the winner will be determined using the Golf Australia countback system. Where there are ties for runner-up and lower placings, prize winners will be determined using the Golf Australia outback system, where there are ties for runner-up and lower placings, prize winners will be determined using the Golf Australia outback system.

2. Championship Committee

2.1 - The Championship Committee shall comprise the Concord Captains, General Manager and other members of the Concord Course & Match Sub Committee.

2.2 - The Championship Committee shall have the sole management and control of the Championship with full power at any time to alter or vary any of the conditions.

2.3 - The Championship Committee's decision on matters affecting the Championship shall be final. Protests may be made in writing and submitted to the Championship Committee within 15 minutes of the conclusion of the day's play.

3. Rules of Play

The Rules of Golf, as adopted by R&A Rules Ltd shall apply together with Local Rules as drawn up by the Championship Committee.

4. Entries

4.1- Entries must be made via an online entry (Golf Genius)

4.2 - The entrance fee is AUD $180 (includes GST).

4.3 - Eligible players are male amateurs whose handicap does not exceed 4.0 GA and women amateurs whose handicap does not exceed 8.0 GA or overseas equivalent

4.4 - In the event of the number of applicants exceeding the places available in the championship, those applicants with the highest handicaps will be progressively removed from the competition. In the event of applicants with the same handicap being liable for the removal, there shall be a ballot amongst them to determine who will be removed. Ballot and removal of players will be conducted on players’ GA handicap at the time of close of entries.

4.5 - Entries close at 5:00 pm Thursday 10 February 2022.

4.6 - Late entries may be accepted at the discretion of the Championship Committee.

4.7 - Entries will not be accepted by telephone.

4.8 - Entry fees will only be refunded before the close of entries. A medical certificate must accompany a request for withdrawal on medical grounds.

4.9 - Entries must be accompanied by a copy of the entrant's current handicap record for the previous six months, officially endorsed by the entrant's club, unless the entrant has provided his Golf Link number on the entry form.

5. Starting Times

It is a condition of this Championship that, in the absence of circumstances that warrant waiving the penalty or disqualification as provided in Rule 33-7, if the player arrives at his starting point, ready to play, within five minutes of his starting time, the penalty for failure to start on time is two strokes. The penalty for lateness beyond five minutes is disqualification (Rule 6-3a).

6. Registration

Competitors must register 30 minutes before their allotted tee time at the designated registration area in the Golf Shop.

7. Drug Testing

All competitors are subject to drug testing by the Australian Sports Drug Agency for banned substances as laid down in Golf Australia’s Anti-Doping Policy. Any competitor infringing this condition, or refusing to take a test, may be disqualified.

8. Pace of Play

Rule 6-7 will be strictly enforced and a Pace of Play policy endorsed. Penalties will be issued to individuals in such groups, who infringe on the endorsed Pace of Play guidelines (available at the event). Warnings may not be issued before penalties.

9. Golf Balls

It is obligatory for all competitors in the Championship to play with a ball that is listed in the current R & A and/or USGA Conforming Golf Balls. Penalty: Disqualification

10. Motorised Transport

Players must not ride on any form of transportation during a stipulated round unless authorized by the Committee. Penalty as per R&A Terms of the Competition, part B point 8, Transportation. Rules of Golf Caddies may use transportation provided:

(i) The competitor does not accept a ride at any time during the stipulated round.

(ii) The competitor does not accept advice from any other person travelling with the caddie.

11. By-Laws, Rules and Dress Regulations

Entrants shall comply with the by-laws, rules and dress regulations of Concord Golf Club. Players and or Caddies not dressed appropriately will not be allowed access to the course. Dress regulations available at www.concordgolfclub.com.au

12. Player Live Scoring – Use of Mobile Phones                                                                                                               

The Championship uses a live scoring phone-based app (Golf Genius) for recording and confirmation of scores. Players are requested to enter scores after the completion of every 3 holes, or more frequently if desired. Certification of scores will take place electronically at the scorer’s desk on completion of the round. Phones should be kept on silent when entering scores. Paper-based scorecards will not be provided.

Apart from the use of mobile phones for recording scores, the use of a mobile phone by a player or their caddie, whilst on the golf course during the event is distracting and inconsiderate. A mobile phone may otherwise only be used to contact an official to request assistance with a ruling, or as a Distance Measuring Device (in silent mode).

If the player or their caddie is in the possession of a mobile phone it should be on silent. If the phone rings this is deemed to be in use and a breach of the Code of Conduct that applies and the Committee may take disciplinary action against the offending player in accordance with Rule 1.2 “Standards of Player Conduct”

13. Consumption of Alcohol

The consumption of alcohol by competitors and caddies on the course during a stipulated round is strictly prohibited. Penalty: Disqualification

14. Distance Measuring Devices

A player may obtain distance information using a device that measures distance only. (This includes mobile phones if used as a measuring device in silent mode only). If during a stipulated round, a player uses a distance-measuring device that is designed to gauge or measure other conditions that might affect his play (e.g. gradient, wind speed, temperature, etc.), the player is in breach of Rule 14-3, for which the penalty is disqualification, regardless of whether any such additional functions are used.

15. Suspension of Play

The following signals shall apply:

SUSPENSION OF PLAY: (Note to Rule 6-8b)

The Specimen Condition on pages 140-141 is in effect. All practice areas are closed during suspension for a dangerous situation (e.g. lightning) until the Committee has declared them open.

Note: Suspension for a dangerous situation will be signalled by one prolonged air-horn note.

All other types of suspension will be signalled by three consecutive air-horn notes, repeated.

Resumption of play will be signalled by two short air-horn notes, repeated.

16. Practice

Practice rounds before the Championship will NOT be made available at any time.

17. Prizes

Prizemoney will be awarded for the Men’s & Women’s best individual overall Gross scores.