Player Event Standings

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Number Rank Player Total Points
1 1 Thomas Lin 2,852.50
2 2 Austin Cook 2,490.00
3 T3 Colton Cheeseman 2,026.67
4 T3 Lukas Kostandoff 2,026.67
5 5 Brett Parker 1,583.50
6 6 Darren Truong 1,576.67
7 7 Jett Metaxas 1,379.84
8 8 Cole Marshall 1,353.00
9 9 Maxwell Harrison 1,250.00
10 10 Madden Ellis 1,192.50
11 11 Cristiano Gatto 1,176.50
12 12 Brayden Bosmans 1,170.17
13 13 Isaac Miller 1,094.00
Totals: 21,172.02