2018 WSGA Couples Championship - Devils Tower Tee Sheet

Front Nine Chapman / Back Nine Scramble - Sun, July 15

The Golf Club at Devils Tower
Time Hole Players
The Golf Club at Devils Tower
Player Tee Time Hole Tee Other Players
Alley, Denton
8:30 AM 10 White Espinoza, Andrew + Espinoza, Terry + White, Kelly
Andersen, Scott
8:50 AM 1 White Fisher, James + Fisher, Marilyn + Huckfeldt, Sandra
Andreen, Dan
9:20 AM 10 White Andreen, Joan + Ricks, Donna + Ricks, Ed
Andreen, Joan
9:20 AM 10 WSGA Andreen, Dan + Ricks, Donna + Ricks, Ed
Balling, Dave
9:30 AM 1 White Balling, Jill + Hornbeck, John + Hornbeck, Pam
Balling, Jill
9:30 AM 1 WSGA Balling, Dave + Hornbeck, John + Hornbeck, Pam
Blyth, Dave
8:10 AM 1 White Blyth, Sue + Johnson, Dixie + Johnson, Michael
Blyth, Sue
8:10 AM 1 WSGA Blyth, Dave + Johnson, Dixie + Johnson, Michael
Brooks, Kris
9:10 AM 1 WSGA Brooks, Ron + Carmin, Georgia + Fernau, Joseph
Brooks, Ron
9:10 AM 1 White Brooks, Kris + Carmin, Georgia + Fernau, Joseph
Byrum, Kevin
9:30 AM 10 White Byrum, Stacey + Martinez, Mary + Martinez, Pete
Byrum, Stacey
9:30 AM 10 WSGA Byrum, Kevin + Martinez, Mary + Martinez, Pete
Carmin, Georgia
9:10 AM 1 WSGA Brooks, Kris + Brooks, Ron + Fernau, Joseph
Cassell, Stella
8:10 AM 10 WSGA Quayle, Leann + Quayle, Scott + Taylor, James
Davis, Danny
9:50 AM 1 White Davis, Karen + Vail, Jeff + Vail, Kate
Davis, Karen
9:50 AM 1 WSGA Davis, Danny + Vail, Jeff + Vail, Kate
Eaton, Julie
8:00 AM 10 WSGA Eaton, Larry + Havely, Mike + Havely, Sharon
Eaton, Larry
8:00 AM 10 White Eaton, Julie + Havely, Mike + Havely, Sharon
Eicher, Teresa
9:20 AM 1 WSGA Eicher, Tim + Wornkey, Brian + Wornkey, Christie
Eicher, Tim
9:20 AM 1 White Eicher, Teresa + Wornkey, Brian + Wornkey, Christie
Engels, Catherine
8:40 AM 1 WSGA Engels, Dave + Pearson, Bobby + Pearson, Rachelle
Engels, Dave
8:40 AM 1 White Engels, Catherine + Pearson, Bobby + Pearson, Rachelle
Espinoza, Andrew
8:30 AM 10 White Alley, Denton + Espinoza, Terry + White, Kelly
Espinoza, Terry
8:30 AM 10 WSGA Alley, Denton + Espinoza, Andrew + White, Kelly
Fernandez, Brenda
9:00 AM 10 WSGA Fernandez, Pat + Krenzelok, Alton + Krenzelok, Jill
Fernandez, Pat
9:00 AM 10 White Fernandez, Brenda + Krenzelok, Alton + Krenzelok, Jill
Fernau, Joseph
9:10 AM 1 White Brooks, Kris + Brooks, Ron + Carmin, Georgia
Fisher, James
8:50 AM 1 White Andersen, Scott + Fisher, Marilyn + Huckfeldt, Sandra
Fisher, Marilyn
8:50 AM 1 WSGA Andersen, Scott + Fisher, James + Huckfeldt, Sandra
Gamble, Debby
9:10 AM 10 WSGA Gamble, Jared + Materi, Bryton + Materi, Jackie
Gamble, Jared
9:10 AM 10 White Gamble, Debby + Materi, Bryton + Materi, Jackie
Grosch, Aaron
9:00 AM 1 White Voss, Beth + Wright, Alyssa + Wright, Joe
Harvey, Dann
9:40 AM 10 White Harvey, Mardi + Parker, Carol + Parker, Larry
Harvey, Mardi
9:40 AM 10 WSGA Harvey, Dann + Parker, Carol + Parker, Larry
Havely, Mike
8:00 AM 10 White Eaton, Julie + Eaton, Larry + Havely, Sharon
Havely, Sharon
8:00 AM 10 WSGA Eaton, Julie + Eaton, Larry + Havely, Mike
Hornbeck, John
9:30 AM 1 White Balling, Dave + Balling, Jill + Hornbeck, Pam
Hornbeck, Pam
9:30 AM 1 WSGA Balling, Dave + Balling, Jill + Hornbeck, John
Huckfeldt, Sandra
8:50 AM 1 WSGA Andersen, Scott + Fisher, James + Fisher, Marilyn
Hunter, Joe
8:30 AM 1 White Hunter, Tina + Marshall, Jim + Marshall, Tammy
Hunter, Tina
8:30 AM 1 WSGA Hunter, Joe + Marshall, Jim + Marshall, Tammy
Jamieson, Charles
8:00 AM 1 White Jamieson, Lema + Layton, Tooney + Layton, Val
Jamieson, Lema
8:00 AM 1 WSGA Jamieson, Charles + Layton, Tooney + Layton, Val
Janes, Andrea
8:40 AM 10 WSGA Janes, Billy + Zierolf, Nancy + Zierolf, Tom
Janes, Billy
8:40 AM 10 White Janes, Andrea + Zierolf, Nancy + Zierolf, Tom
Johnson, Dixie
8:10 AM 1 WSGA Blyth, Dave + Blyth, Sue + Johnson, Michael
Johnson, Michael
8:10 AM 1 White Blyth, Dave + Blyth, Sue + Johnson, Dixie
Krenzelok, Alton
9:00 AM 10 White Fernandez, Brenda + Fernandez, Pat + Krenzelok, Jill
Krenzelok, Jill
9:00 AM 10 WSGA Fernandez, Brenda + Fernandez, Pat + Krenzelok, Alton
Labazzo, Kristen
8:20 AM 1 WSGA Labazzo, Mike + Marton, Cindy + Marton, Tim
Labazzo, Mike
8:20 AM 1 White Labazzo, Kristen + Marton, Cindy + Marton, Tim
Layton, Tooney
8:00 AM 1 WSGA Jamieson, Charles + Jamieson, Lema + Layton, Val
Layton, Val
8:00 AM 1 White Jamieson, Charles + Jamieson, Lema + Layton, Tooney
Marshall, Jim
8:30 AM 1 White Hunter, Joe + Hunter, Tina + Marshall, Tammy
Marshall, Tammy
8:30 AM 1 WSGA Hunter, Joe + Hunter, Tina + Marshall, Jim
Martinez, Mary
9:30 AM 10 WSGA Byrum, Kevin + Byrum, Stacey + Martinez, Pete
Martinez, Pete
9:30 AM 10 White Byrum, Kevin + Byrum, Stacey + Martinez, Mary
Marton, Cindy
8:20 AM 1 WSGA Labazzo, Kristen + Labazzo, Mike + Marton, Tim
Marton, Tim
8:20 AM 1 White Labazzo, Kristen + Labazzo, Mike + Marton, Cindy
Materi, Bryton
9:10 AM 10 White Gamble, Debby + Gamble, Jared + Materi, Jackie
Materi, Jackie
9:10 AM 10 WSGA Gamble, Debby + Gamble, Jared + Materi, Bryton
Miech, Chuck
8:20 AM 10 White Miech, Leslie + Roberts, Steve + Vosika, Janice
Miech, Leslie
8:20 AM 10 WSGA Miech, Chuck + Roberts, Steve + Vosika, Janice
Parker, Carol
9:40 AM 10 WSGA Harvey, Dann + Harvey, Mardi + Parker, Larry
Parker, Larry
9:40 AM 10 White Harvey, Dann + Harvey, Mardi + Parker, Carol
Paronto, John
9:40 AM 1 White Stutheit, Kathryn + Thomas, Charlene + Thomas, Leon
Pearson, Bobby
8:40 AM 1 White Engels, Catherine + Engels, Dave + Pearson, Rachelle
Pearson, Rachelle
8:40 AM 1 WSGA Engels, Catherine + Engels, Dave + Pearson, Bobby
Portillo, Johnny
8:50 AM 10 White Portillo, Pamala + Sprecher, Vance + Williamson, Kala
Portillo, Pamala
8:50 AM 10 WSGA Portillo, Johnny + Sprecher, Vance + Williamson, Kala
Quayle, Leann
8:10 AM 10 WSGA Cassell, Stella + Quayle, Scott + Taylor, James
Quayle, Scott
8:10 AM 10 White Cassell, Stella + Quayle, Leann + Taylor, James
Ricks, Donna
9:20 AM 10 WSGA Andreen, Dan + Andreen, Joan + Ricks, Ed
Ricks, Ed
9:20 AM 10 White Andreen, Dan + Andreen, Joan + Ricks, Donna
Roberts, Steve
8:20 AM 10 White Miech, Chuck + Miech, Leslie + Vosika, Janice
Sprecher, Vance
8:50 AM 10 White Portillo, Johnny + Portillo, Pamala + Williamson, Kala
Stutheit, Kathryn
9:40 AM 1 WSGA Paronto, John + Thomas, Charlene + Thomas, Leon
Taylor, James
8:10 AM 10 White Cassell, Stella + Quayle, Leann + Quayle, Scott
Thomas, Charlene
9:40 AM 1 WSGA Paronto, John + Stutheit, Kathryn + Thomas, Leon
Thomas, Leon
9:40 AM 1 White Paronto, John + Stutheit, Kathryn + Thomas, Charlene
Vail, Jeff
9:50 AM 1 White Davis, Danny + Davis, Karen + Vail, Kate
Vail, Kate
9:50 AM 1 WSGA Davis, Danny + Davis, Karen + Vail, Jeff
Vosika, Janice
8:20 AM 10 WSGA Miech, Chuck + Miech, Leslie + Roberts, Steve
Voss, Beth
9:00 AM 1 WSGA Grosch, Aaron + Wright, Alyssa + Wright, Joe
White, Kelly
8:30 AM 10 WSGA Alley, Denton + Espinoza, Andrew + Espinoza, Terry
Williamson, Kala
8:50 AM 10 WSGA Portillo, Johnny + Portillo, Pamala + Sprecher, Vance
Wornkey, Brian
9:20 AM 1 White Eicher, Teresa + Eicher, Tim + Wornkey, Christie
Wornkey, Christie
9:20 AM 1 WSGA Eicher, Teresa + Eicher, Tim + Wornkey, Brian
Wright, Alyssa
9:00 AM 1 WSGA Grosch, Aaron + Voss, Beth + Wright, Joe
Wright, Joe
9:00 AM 1 White Grosch, Aaron + Voss, Beth + Wright, Alyssa
Zierolf, Nancy
8:40 AM 10 WSGA Janes, Andrea + Janes, Billy + Zierolf, Tom
Zierolf, Tom
8:40 AM 10 White Janes, Andrea + Janes, Billy + Zierolf, Nancy