Cette page est pour les personnes qui veulent suivre le séminaire des règles de niveau 2 en anglais. Par conséquent, le texte ci-dessous sera uniquement dans cette langue.


Level 2 with Golf Ontario


The final exam for this level can be given by Golf Québec but the education webinars are provided by Golf Ontario. Golf Québec only offers French webinars.


There are a few options to complete the level 2 certification in English:


1) You can register with Golf Ontario for the Rules of Golf Webinars only and complete the exam with Golf Québec (in this case, the exam would be provided in English). To gain access to the Golf Ontario webinars, click on one of the 3 webinar series available. You will also need to contact Eric Couture at ecouture@golfquebec.org if you wish to complete your exam with Golf Québec.


2) You can register with Golf Ontario and select one of the 3 webinar series available and complete all of the certification requirements via Golf Ontario. Once your seminar is completed and that you have written your exam, please inform Eric Couture at ecouture@golfquebec.org that you have completed your exam.


The registration deadline for the Golf Ontario webinars is January 6. 2021.