Welsh Women’s Open Senior Championship – Player Information

30th-31st August 2023

North Wales Golf Club



36 Holes Stroke Play. 18 holes on day one and 18 holes on day two.


Tee Times                       

First round will be published online (below link) & via email on Monday 21st August. Round 2 will be in reverse standing order and published shortly after play of Round 1. .


Round 1 Tee times (available from Monday 21st August)


Close Tee Time Requests

For those that are sharing accommodation and travel to and from the event that require close tee times you can request this using the following link by Sunday 20th August at 5pm. 


Close Tee Time Request - Welsh Women's Open Seniors



There will be no in person registration at the event. Confirmation of your attendance and photography consent must be completed online using the following link before the first round.


Confirm your attendance and photo consent HERE



Players withdrawing should email championships@walesgolf.org


Practice Round               

August 29th. You can book yourself and up to 3 other players using the link below. Search for the names using the drop down menu. 


Welsh Women's Open Seniors Championship Event :: Book a Practice Round HERE (golfgenius.com)


Practice Facilities           

Large practice range 5 minutes walk (or players can drive to it) where you use your own balls. There is also a short game area on the right hand side of 18th fairway as well as 2 practice nets and a putting green.


Caddies & Spectators      

Both permitted



Open for breakfast, lunch and dinner each day. At player’s own expense.


Clubhouse & Pro Shop    

Open 1 hour prior to the start of each day’s play


Wales Golf Hard Card      




Shortly after play on 31st August.


Safeguarding Lead          

Christian Askins, Competitions Manager, Wales Golf


On-course Championship Information and Scoring

Scorecards, Pin Positions and Local Rules to be collected at the 1st tee from the starter each morning. 


Course Set-Up                 

Red Tees


Contact Details               

Christian Askins, 07821665609, christian.askins@walesgolf.org