
Register now for St. Andrews 18 Hole Ladies League

After you register, be sure to pay your $45 league dues. You may pay the dues with cash or check (check preferred). Please drop off the payment in the Pro Shop at St. Andrews Golf Club, or mail it to our Treasurer, Val Garrison: 9023 W. 114th St., Overland Park, KS 66210. Make checks payable to St. Andrews Golf Association. While at the Pro Shop, you may take care of two more things with one trip: Purchase your GHIN ($35) and Patron Card $45 or $35 (ages 60+)

All league members are required to purchase a Patron Card. It’s valid at both St. Andrews and Sykes/Lady Overland Park Golf Club. The discounts you will receive on green fees throughout the season will outweigh the cost for the patron card. Your patron card must be presented when checking in for league to receive the discount. We recommend paying for the Patron Card and your GHIN at the same time you pay your dues.


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