Format:  54-Hole 2-Man Lowball


Maximum 6 shot differential in handicaps will be used to flight teams.  Should players have a handicap differential greater than 6, the higher handicap player’s handicap will be reduced accordingly.


Eligibility: Teams can be made up of a Member- Member or Member –Guest combination. All players must be male & at least 21years of age with no college eligibility & have amateur status.  Priority will be given to Ranchland Hills members, however; should there be open spots in tournament after April 1st non – member teams may sign up.


All players MUST have a USGA Handicap & have a minimum of 10 scores posted in last 6 months.

*Field is limited to the first 120 paid teams.


The Entry Fee is $800 per team


No Refunds after May 1st.