Welcome to the 2 Person Best Ball 2023

Date: Saturday,  May 20th 2023

8:30 am Shotgun

Entry Fee:   $80.00 per player for Non-Members

                    $60.00 per player for Members

· Entry Fee includes prize fund, golf, and range. 

· Deadline for entry is Thursday May 18th or until full (first 50 teams)

· Call Friday, May 18th for pairings (763-441-4111) or check calendar  at elkrivergc.com

· All flights play 18 holes

· Prizes redeemed in Pro shop (credit must be used by Oct 31st 2023)


We will have 3 flights:


Gross Flight - Blue Tees


Men's Net Flight - White Tees


Women's Net Flight - Red Tees