2023 Vegas League: Hearts Season, Team Standings
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Number | Rank | Teams | Total Points | Team Members |
1 | 1 | Tatonkas | 94.50 | Kimbrell, Ryan | Patti, Greg |
2 | 2 | Pancho & Lefty | 89.00 | Montoya, Mike | Sandoval, Matthew |
3 | 3 | K+V | 66.00 | Montoya, Kenny | Torres, Victor |
4 | 4 | Par Then Bar | 54.00 | Archuleta, Stephen | Holguin, Robert |
5 | 5 | Onion Slingers | 50.50 | Correa, Cody | Puentes, Rich |
6 | 6 | Bagwell + Berryman | 50.00 | Bagwell, Brandan | Berryman, Clayton |
7 | 7 | Hernandez + Marquez | 46.00 | Hernandez, Jorge | Marquez, Alfredo |
8 | 8 | Christiansen + Dahrling | 45.50 | Christiansen, Carl | Dahrling, Joshua |
9 | 9 | Liljenquist + Richardson | 40.00 | Liljenquist, Jake | Richardson, Michael |
10 | 10 | DiCamillo + Guffey | 38.50 | DiCamillo, Nic | Guffey, Cooper |
11 | 11 | Harrison + Merhege | 38.00 | Harrison, George | Merhege, Kevin |
12 | 12 | Montoya + Ortiz | 36.00 | Montoya, Armando | Ortiz, Chris |
13 | 13 | The Friendly Rivals | 35.50 | Chavez, Fernando | Morden, Mark |
14 | 14 | No Llores | 35.00 | Cuaron, Will | Martinez, Javier |
15 | 15 | 2 Seltzers, 1 Putt | 32.33 | Azua, Stephen | Gottlieb, Kyle |
16 | 16 | Team Sky King | 30.50 | Hollars, Doug | Schrier, Don |
17 | 17 | C-Lo & Pro | 28.50 | Eilers, Elias | Lopez, Clarissa |
18 | 18 | JJ&A | 26.00 | Armstrong, Jeremy | Carrera, Alex |
19 | 19 | Morales + Portillo | 24.50 | Morales, Luis | Portillo, Jose |
20 | 20 | Gutierrez + Renteria | 24.33 | Gutierrez, CJ | Renteria, Nate |
21 | 21 | Gose + Holguin | 24.00 | Gose, Manny | Holguin, Gilbert |
22 | 22 | Aragon + Flack | 21.33 | Aragon, Filemon | Flack, William |
23 | 23 | Muniz + Whitehead | 20.50 | Muniz, Carlos | Whitehead, Gary |
24 | 24 | Infante + Smead | 8.00 | Infante, Steve | Smead, Daniel |
25 | 25 | Toboso | 7.00 | Escobar, Jordan | Ruff, Anthony | Totals: | 965.49 |