Winter Men's League 2024 Tee Sheet

Finals - Thu, April 4
The Playing Handicap for the Finale and the players' starting points are in the brackets beside their names. Yes Mr. Troy Thompson the handicaps are correct, and they have been checked.

Royal Sydney - Finale - Archived on 04-18-2024 / Finale
Time Players
Royal Sydney - Finale - Archived on 04-18-2024
Player Tee Time Tee Other Players
Andrew Stokl
8:00 PM Finale Dean Zizzo + Kevin Huynh + Kevin W. R. McCallum + Steve Jennings
Anthony Mansfield
8:00 PM Finale Damien R. Medina + Michael S. Carnicelli + Randy Smith + Robert D. Nemy
Christopher Thompson
8:00 PM Finale Dean Mosca + J. Eric Robertson + Randy Sims + William Johnston
Damien R. Medina
8:00 PM Finale Anthony Mansfield + Michael S. Carnicelli + Randy Smith + Robert D. Nemy
Dean Mosca
8:00 PM Finale Christopher Thompson + J. Eric Robertson + Randy Sims + William Johnston
Dean Zizzo
8:00 PM Finale Andrew Stokl + Kevin Huynh + Kevin W. R. McCallum + Steve Jennings
Enrico Seminerio
6:00 PM Finale Gerry G. Gatto + Greg Padovani + Shik Patel
Gerry G. Gatto
6:00 PM Finale Enrico Seminerio + Greg Padovani + Shik Patel
Greg Padovani
6:00 PM Finale Enrico Seminerio + Gerry G. Gatto + Shik Patel
J. Eric Robertson
8:00 PM Finale Christopher Thompson + Dean Mosca + Randy Sims + William Johnston
Kevin Huynh
8:00 PM Finale Andrew Stokl + Dean Zizzo + Kevin W. R. McCallum + Steve Jennings
Kevin W. R. McCallum
8:00 PM Finale Andrew Stokl + Dean Zizzo + Kevin Huynh + Steve Jennings
Michael J. Strelbisky
6:00 PM Finale Randal Gold + Sandro D'Ambrosi
Michael S. Carnicelli
8:00 PM Finale Anthony Mansfield + Damien R. Medina + Randy Smith + Robert D. Nemy
Michael Williamson
6:00 PM Finale Peter Peltekoff + Robert J. Gillies + Troy Thompson
Peter Peltekoff
6:00 PM Finale Michael Williamson + Robert J. Gillies + Troy Thompson
Randal Gold
6:00 PM Finale Michael J. Strelbisky + Sandro D'Ambrosi
Randy Sims
8:00 PM Finale Christopher Thompson + Dean Mosca + J. Eric Robertson + William Johnston
Randy Smith
8:00 PM Finale Anthony Mansfield + Damien R. Medina + Michael S. Carnicelli + Robert D. Nemy
Robert D. Nemy
8:00 PM Finale Anthony Mansfield + Damien R. Medina + Michael S. Carnicelli + Randy Smith
Robert J. Gillies
6:00 PM Finale Michael Williamson + Peter Peltekoff + Troy Thompson
Sandro D'Ambrosi
6:00 PM Finale Michael J. Strelbisky + Randal Gold
Shik Patel
6:00 PM Finale Enrico Seminerio + Gerry G. Gatto + Greg Padovani
Steve Jennings
8:00 PM Finale Andrew Stokl + Dean Zizzo + Kevin Huynh + Kevin W. R. McCallum
Troy Thompson
6:00 PM Finale Michael Williamson + Peter Peltekoff + Robert J. Gillies
William Johnston
8:00 PM Finale Christopher Thompson + Dean Mosca + J. Eric Robertson + Randy Sims