2021 MC League
Round Name Points
Mixer 1234 Four Man (net) (Sat, March 27) 10.00
Individual red, white, blue (net/gross) (Wed, March 31) 10.00
Season Kick Off Scramble (Sat, April 3) 10.00
Individual Blue Tee's (net/gross) (Wed, April 14) 10.00
Individual Stableford (net/gross) (Wed, April 28) 10.00
Mixer Spence's Game 2 best balls of four (net) (Sat, May 1) 45.00
Men's Day Out Scramble (Wed, May 5) 10.00
Individual Beat Your Handicap (net) (Wed, May 12) 10.00
Individual (net/gross) (Wed, June 2) 10.00
Individual Sweet Sixteen (net/gross) (Wed, June 9) 10.00
Individual Beat Your Handicap (net) (Wed, July 7) 10.00
Mixer 2 best balls of 4 (net/gross) (Sat, July 17) 15.00
Individual Nine-O-Heart (net/gross) (Wed, July 21) 10.00
Individual (net/gross) (Wed, July 28) 10.00
Mixer 1 gross 1 net of four balls (Sat, July 31) 17.50
Individual red, white, blue (net/gross) (Wed, August 18) 10.00
Individual (net/gross) (Wed, September 1) 50.00
Two man best ball blind draw (net/gross) (Wed, September 8) 10.00
Men's Night Out Scramble (Wed, September 22) 10.00
Mixer Four Man Team Schamble (1 gross, 1 net) (Sat, September 25) 30.00