Points this Round Total Points
Rochester Flower Power 2.18 7.07 7.07 9.25
Flop Drop & Roll 3.25 5.02 5.02 8.27
Par to Bar 2.74 5.52 5.52 8.26
The Birdie Bunch 3.24 4.99 4.99 8.23
GoingFOREIt 1.17 7.05 7.05 8.22
Cleveland Rocks the Socks 3.21 4.98 4.98 8.19
Roc Stars 3.24 4.53 4.53 7.77
The Unstoppables 2.24 4.97 4.97 7.21
RI Fireballz 3.75 3.45 3.45 7.20
Boston Red Shots 3.23 2.87 2.87 6.10
Wreckless Drivers 1.16 4.49 4.49 5.65
Hot in Cleveland 0.13 4.93 4.93 5.06
CNY Pin Seekers 1.13 3.47 3.47 4.60
Tee It Up 2.21 1.32 1.32 3.53
Par-Tee of 8 0.16 2.31 2.31 2.47
T1 Sat, June 26 :: Four Ball
T2 Sun, June 27 :: Singles