46th MGA/MetLife Men's Four-Ball Championship
38th MGA/MetLife Women's Four-Ball Championship
Sectional Qualifying Round
Panther Valley Golf & Country Club
Allamuchy, New Jersey
Monday, September 18th
Entry Fee: $60.00/team
Registration and payment must be submitted by Wednesday, August 30th at 5:00 p.m.
The format of play at the Club Qualifying, Sectional Qualifying, and Championship levels shall be 18 holes of Stroke Play on a net better-ball basis.
Each player (on a team of two) will compete at 85% of their Course Handicap.
Men's Divison: This competition is a two-man team event. Each player must have an individual up-to-date Handicap Index based on ratings for men not exceeding 20.0 under the World Handicapping System at the time the team attempts to qualify at the club level. Players with handicaps that exceed this Handicap Index Range are not eligible to compete by agreeing to play with the handicaps within the eligible range. The combined Handicap Index of the team may not exceed 36.0. Team members must belong to the same club and are subject to the MGA Rules and Regulations.
Women's Divison: This competition is a two-woman team event. Each player must have an individual up-to-date Handicap Index based on ratings for women not exceeding 28.0 under the World Handicapping System at the time the team attempts to qualify at the club level. Players with handicaps that exceed this Handicap Index Range are not eligible to compete by agreeing to play with the handicaps within the eligible range. The combined Handicap Index of the team may not exceed 48.0. Team members must belong to the same club and are subject to the MGA Rules and Regulations.
*NOTE: Teams that qualify for Sectional or Championship Rounds will compete using the current Handicap Indexes throughout the remainder of the Championship*
MGA Hard Card
2019 Rules of Golf
USGA Hard Card